Why is the mistletoe associated with Christmas?

How the hemiparasitic plant growing on trees became associated with Christmas is a mystery to many people. Today, the mistletoe is thought to bring good luck to couples who kiss under it. 

The Druids are believed to have started the tradition who hang the plant in their houses. They felt it has mystical abilities that bring good luck to their homes and keep away the evil spirits. The semi-parasitic plants are found to have a unique cure-all property. The earliest mentions of the plant’s romantic ability were by the Roman natural historian Pliny, the Elder, he was skeptical of the fact that the druids believed taking drinks containing the plant will make barren animals fertile.

In the 18th and 19 centuries, the British begun using mistletoe as part of the Christmas celebration by hanging it. The healing powers of the plant are famous among people who make use of herbal remedies, though there is no clinical evidence of its ability to cure diseases. The popular actress Suzanne Somers treated her breast cancer with an extract of mistletoe instead of using chemotherapy. Excerpts of the plant are known to kill cancer cells in the lab. 

When the early Christians arrived in Europe, they tried to prevent the use of mistletoe as part of Christmas decorations in the church, but it persisted. 

Even though all the belief about romantic believe mistletoe is still a tree-killing hemiparasite and remains green throughout the year. It does this by obtaining water and soil minerals from the host tree

In conclusion of all the belief surrounding mistletoe, the plant is believed to bring good luck to those who kissed under it and bring bad luck to those who didn’t. This tradition is believed to have its Norse origin mythology. Also, it serves as a sign of love and friendship. Whatever you do, do not eat them as some species are known to be poisonous.

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